Book a free survey
We offer the opportunity for a free survey conducted by an Ouman professional. The survey consists of checking the condition of your property’s heating system and its automation level. The observations made, including any recommended measures, are presented to the housing company’s board and property manager. A survey visit is always free of charge and does not bind the housing company to anything or in any way. The measures to be carried out are agreed with the housing company’s board.
In connection to the installation of the wireless sensors, it is also a good idea to update the rest of the building automation to meet modern requirements. An update of the automation technology is necessary for connecting Ouman Wireless, for instance, to the Ouman Ounet web-based SCADA. The Ouman Wireless sensor system works independently as well, but you can get the most out of it by connecting it to the Ounet Web-based SCADA. Ouman can provide you with productised and competitive solutions for updating your automation. Our sales representatives will be happy to tell you more.