Automation system connects individual devices
Tom Allen Senera Ltd Ltd supplies geothermal, heat recovery and air-water heating systems for a whole range of buildings ‒ from houses to businesses and whole blocks. They often recommend the Ouman automation system for larger installations. Once installed, the system can be monitored remotely using the Ouman Ounet remote access service until, for example, the end of warranty.
Suurin osa Tom Allen Seneran tekemistä töistä on lämmitysjärjestelmien muutoksia jostakin muusta lämmitysjärjestelmästä lämpöpumppujärjestelmäksi. Yhteistyö Oumanin kanssa alkoi vuonna 2014.
– Most of our work at Tom Allen Senera concerns the conversion of other heating systems into heat pump systems. We have worked together with Ouman since 2014.
“We specialise in building geothermal heating systems for both old and new buildings. In recent years, we have also started installing heat recovery equipment together with ground source heat pumps,” says Johan Holma, managing director at Tom Allen Senera.
– “Our collaboration with Ouman started with us looking into different operators and their solutions. We were convinced by the modularity of the Ouman system. We also appreciate them being a domestic operation. Ouman was not and is still not a faceless corporation,” says Markku Manner, head of automation at Tom Allen Senera.
”Ouflex drives the whole heat pump system”
Currently, some 120 installations deployed by Tom Allen Senera have included the Ouman Ouflex automation system. Modularity allows for both small, single-unit installations and extended systems for more challenging installations. The automation system links individual devices with their own automation into one whole that Ouflex controls.
– “Ouflex drives the whole heat pump system and works as a so-called higher-level automation system,” says Manner.
– “The system allows for more tuning and control than the automation options offered by traditional heat pump manufacturers,” adds Holma.
Remote access enables monitoring and saves time
Before an automation unit is installed, an electrical contractor installs the requisite cabling. After installation, the customer is given the basic information necessary to use the system. The system is linked to the Ounet service during commissioning.
– “Remote access is a very important feature for us! If our maintenance was contacted by a customer and we did not have remote access, we would always have to send in a technician. Now we can first check remotely if there is actual trouble with the system. This often saves us a lot of time technicians would otherwise be spending on-site. We can also make small adjustments remotely, like tweak the temperature,” says Manner.
– “In case of a fault, we can adjust the system’s operation so that it can keep going until our technician arrives. This is reflected in resident satisfaction. It makes a big difference whether the system is down completely or just partially. Remote access and automation are also a factor for sales, as most customers are not experts and will find extra security in this option,” says Manner
Valuable data
Sites are monitored for a time after installation – typically until the warranty ends – and customers can then choose to stop or continue the monitoring. The aim of multifunctional automation is to sustain optimal living conditions by providing an even indoor temperature, hot water and good ventilation. With everything working, residents are often unaware of the automation.
– “Remote monitoring makes it easier to handle warranty issues and locate faults. Automation allows us to collect valuable data about the system’s operation over its service life. For example, if a fault repeats under certain conditions, we have an easier time finding out the cause and effect,” says Manner.
– “Automation also collects energy consumption data that we can compare with previous figures. This data is valued by property managers in particular,” Manner adds.
Ouman recommended
Both Holma and Manner agree that Ouman is well-known to customers and seen as a reliable operator. The partnership has been a success: orders have arrived quickly and product support has always been available, and the Ouman products and systems have met the needs of Tom Allen Senera well.
– “As the managing director, I have no complaints about our partnership, everything works,” says Holma.
– “For me, the value of Ouman lies in the system being a domestic product and its commissioning being so simple – no advanced training is required. I would recommend Ouman to anyone looking for this kind of system,” says Manner.