“Last year, all our buildings were included in the scope of Ouman’s remote control”
On the linked video, Juhana Saari, Real Estate Director at Suomen Hoivatilat, tells about his experience of the Ouman Ouflex system and Ounet web-based SCADA.
A few comments from the video:
– A simple, unambiguous and cost efficient solution
– We have about 50 real estate properties around Finland, and we wanted to have better control over what is happening in the properties.
– The remote connection allows us to view from our “flight control tower” various matters at all our sites, such as air volumes and boiler room equipment. You could say that the boiler room is located right there, at our computer screen. That makes life easier, and we can quickly react to any alarming situation or when values have to be adjusted. Our control over our properties has considerably improved.